Simple MySQl backup automation

I want to do a simple demonstrate how you can automate the backup procedure for MySQL using a python script and Xtrabackup. In this demo, i will be using python version 3.6 coz that what i have on my server, but can use whatever version of your choice. Install Percona Xtrabckup wget$(lsb_release -sc)_all.deb dpkg… Continue reading Simple MySQl backup automation

Manage Role Permissions MySQL using Percona PAM with Active Directory

Today, i will try to share how to manage MySQL role permissions using Setting Up Percona PAM with Active Directory for External Authentication. To learn more about Percona’s PAM, please visit their documentation here. 1. Install PAM plugins on the MySQL Server Log into MySQL client and run the following commands: INSTALL PLUGIN auth_pam SONAME ‘’;… Continue reading Manage Role Permissions MySQL using Percona PAM with Active Directory

Why you should not ALTER table directly

Altering table structures in MySQL when using the ALTER statement can sometimes (keyword) be done inplace and permit concurrent DML. To know which table alterations can be done without locking records, you can reference documentation here here. Keep in mind  this might be different for different MySQL versions, so always check the documentation for the version… Continue reading Why you should not ALTER table directly